I've been whinging about the weather a bit recently, because it has been poo. But today we witnessed the welcome return of El Sol. I didn't know it was going to be hot and sunny, in fact it was quite nippy when I left the flat for a 9am meeting. So I was wearing a shirt, sweater and chunky leather jacket. It was quite a long meeting, and I went shopping immediately after it.
This was not the usual local shop. I was on a mission to get some bread flour*. The nearest place I've found for this is Carrefour Express at Cuatro Caminos - three Metro stops or a ten-minute bus ride away. I left the shop laden with four pretty heavy carrier bags, and got the bus home. Unfortunately, it was the wrong bus. It goes about two-thirds of the way, and then turns off.
I jumped off the bus, and decided that I would not wait for another one. It was only a ten-minute walk back to the flat. But after a short while, the carrier bags were cutting into my fingers, the heat was making me sweat, and a solution was needed. I stopped and rummaged in my jacket pockets. I am the proud owner of two nifty pieces of hard plastic that can be clipped onto the loops of a supermarket bag to form a comfortable grip that doesn't cut off the circulation in your digits. I normally carry them in a jacket pocket, just in case I need them.
Wrong jacket.
But I did find my suede gloves. I am now recognised by at least a dozen people in my locality as the Brit nutcase who wears a heavy leather jacket and gloves on the hottest days.
*You know I like to bake my own bread. You really need 'strong' bread flour for this. You can use normal flour, but the result tends to be a bit leaden. 'Strong' flour has more gluten in it, which makes the dough rise more and gives a lighter texture.
The Train-ride
1 day ago
You are obviously not a technical person. I would have wrapped the bags in the leather jacket and balanced it on my head like a Zambian farmers woman, in the process airing those musty armpits and providing welcome shade. Ask Nick!
One of the things I miss about Dubai are the nutters we had back home, spending their days in busses talking to the door handles, walking incessantly up and down the Highstreet with their willy hanging out, crazy white beards matted with chewing gum...
You are getting there, Keefie, keep it up!
TNR: thank you your sage advice. The point about the willy is noted, although I doubt that the actual willy would be.
Keefie - what's the strong flour called in Spanish - and the brand? I wanna make bread too!
OH yeah - and Happy Diada de Sant Jordi - even though it's a Catalonian thing!
Nick as a Zambian farmer's woman and Keefie's winkle are two images I really didn't need to end the week on...
NZM - It's made by Harimsa. It's called Harina Superior de Trigo - Especial Fuerza (and, in English under that, 'Strong Wheat Flour'). Blue and yellow packet. I've only ever seen it in Carrefours and larger El Corte Ingles's.
Alexander: sorry for ruining your weekend, mate. I quite understand.
Thanks - we have a C4 just down the road so will look out for it when we're next there.
Your websites look great!
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