Monday 9 January 2012

The Burger

Here it is then. The bottom part is a BLT - bacon, lettuce and tomato sitting on a blob of mayonnaise and topped with melted cheese. The top part is Dijon mustard, the burger patty, sliced gherkins, tomato ketchup and more melted cheese.

Possibly a bit over the top.


Sandie said...

Oh God I could just eat that right now... suppose it'd go cold before I could hop on a flight to Madrid though.

Maybe you could do a vlog of you or someone eating it - with sound and smell-a-vision...

Looks delicious.

leftbanker said...

I would pay 25€ for that (or kill someone). I'm trying to be less violent this year so please just take the money.

Anonymous said...

When I travel ., I eat a good meal.