OK, you've waited long enough. Here's a bunch of pictures of Madrid. The bear and the strawberry tree (El Oso y El Madroño) are the symbol of Madrid. I don't know why - I haven't seen any live bears or strawberry trees kicking around. I'm not even sure that strawberries grow on trees. Whatever, it's a nice statue on the edge of Puerta del Sol. |
This is Plaza Mayor, a grand arcaded square. The geezer on the horse in the middle is King Felipe III - the statue was made in 1616. |
El Catedral de Almudena: building began in 1883 and finished in 1993! You can see the northern mountains in the background on the left. |
As in any old city, it's always worth looking up at the tops of buildings: this is where the architects have their fun when the client isn't looking. |
Another bloke on a horse. This statue is in Puerta del Sol and represents King Carlos III |
Our apartment faces due east, so we always get to see the sunrise. And we also get to see the sunset as it casts a glorious golden glow over the city. |
Kumquat Marmalade
1 day ago
The bear image is reminiscent of Warwickshire's Bear and Ragged Staff.
Awesome images!
Madrid looks very picturesquey.
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