If you're an expat refugee from the UK (Contains NutsTM), there's two stories in today's news that should make you glad you left.
1) Mother refused wine at Morrison's in case daughter (17) drinks it
2) UK quality of life poor
The Train-ride
5 days ago
I/we am/are having a 3 day stopover in Londoninnit shortly before Crimble. I shall try very hard not to get arrested :-)
I fuckin' hate what has become of the land of my hatching.
A couple of other stories I checked out over the weekend - the good 'ole NHS amputated a womans leg that was perfectly healthy (ooops, so sorry dear) & they transplanted a heavy smokers lungs into a patient, who subsequently died of lung cancer.
You couldn't make this stuff up really.
Now remind me...
Why did I leave the UK all those years ago? And why do I never go back even on holiday?
This reminds me why we left London. Although not English, I generally liked it in the UK, and am fond if it and its people. I am infuriated by the PC nanny state that the UK has become. No, make that 'pissed off'!
You won't like to hear that, Keefie, but it all down to 'New Labour' and its all pervading all inclusive PC tripe and quango mafia.
I am looking forward to next May. Cameron & Co are wee lightweights but at least they still have some sense of right and wrong and commone sense.
TRN: I'm no fan of NuLabour, and I agree with you that they are to blame for the mess the UK is currently in. Although I suspect the decline began with Thatcher's declaration that 'there is no such thing as society' - that has to rank along with 'axis of evil' as one of Satan's great quotes.
True, Keefie. I agree that Thatcher was one abominable politician.
Thatcher + Blair = despair
Jayne, and what about the 71 year old granny who was regularly terrorised by youths, poked one in the chest with her finger...and was charged and found guilty of assault.
The story's here.
But such nonsense is on its way here. Take the fact that grown adults can no longer buy a beer in Madrid after 10pm, a city lets remember that dines much later than that!
Troy *panicking* you mean carry-out, yes? Not actually in bars (don't get out much these days/night)?
Believe it or not it's now Conservative policy to stop shops selling booze after 10pm. Once again the UK lags behind Spain? Lol.
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