Friday 6 June 2008

New Blog Toy

Blogger released its long-awaited Blog List feature yesterday. This super-cool toy uses RSS feeds to determine when a blog was last updated, and gives you the option of displaying your list in the order of most-recently-updated. Brilliant!


dubaibilly said...

Hi Keef,

How do you make it work? I went to blogger and there was a video, but it wouldn't play - the little video screen went black and the legend "We're sorry, this video is no longer available came up"



dubaibilly said...

HI Keef,

Ignore the previous ramblings - I worked it out, although mine doesn't seem to want to display the time like yours does.

Em said...

it's a brill tool - already using it!

Alexander said...

Cool toy... shame how the Dubai blogs in yer blogroll are generally looking so neglected!!

Keef said...

Alexander: ssh! I'm kind of embarrassed that the last entry on my Dubai blogroll is Adventures in Dubai, which I've not updated for two months!