Terry Bull's gay brother has come to stay. Looks very fetching in his glossy rainbow mosaic, Village People hat and boots, and big brass earring, don't you think? Only trouble is, we don't know what his name is. Any ideas?
The Train-ride
4 days ago
Just thought of one. Clark. As in Clark Gay-bull. Groan.
That's what I call a party animal. How about Festi?
Gaudy Gaudi
I'll see your queer bull and raise you a gay billy goat
Mons, if he's fierce;
Prepos, if he's ridiculous;
Bois or Boys, if he's active;
Ambidex, if he likes it both ways.
(Takes goat, er, coat and re-enacts The Winter's Tale Act 3 Scene 3)
You are in Spain.
It is July.
You have a gay bull.
I think the best name is obviously "Fermín".
Fermín the gay toro.
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