Saturday, 22 November 2008

It's Raining Sheds

One of the things I used to love about living in England in the winter was the possibility that you would wake up one morning to find the landscape covered in snow. We've had a similar experience over the last couple of weeks here in Madrid. First, the surprising appearance of half of this year's Christmas lights in Plaza de Chueca, and the other half the following morning. A week later, a dozen metal sheds appeared overnight, and the next morning, another dozen.

The sheds, apparently, will be populated by people selling aromatherapy stuff, organic foodstuffs and all the other crap that the dedicated new-ager cannot live without. This will go on until Jan 11.


hut said...

Nice sheds, though.

nzm said...

We have these going up all over Berlin too for the Christmas Markets. They don't last as long as yours, since Christmas in Spain is a January affair.

We have, however, also had snow.

Macthomson said...

...and you thought you had left the souq behind?

Graeme said...

It's getting hard to find a square in Madrid that isn't being taken over by one of these markets - it used to be just the Plaza Mayor. I think it has to do with "la crisis" - more especially with its impact on municipal income.

nzm said...

Graeme: it's the same here in Berlin. Every square or empty plot has Christmas Market. It somewhat dilutes the experience when they pretty much all offer the same stuff like 50cm Bratwursts!

However, there are some that are more authentic than others and those are the ones that I intend to visit.

Jayne said...

Sheds............ahhh, now that brings back memories of being a sprog being dragged up in a dinky little village in Kent. My dad had EVERYTHING in his shed & it was strictly off limits to me & my brother :-) Wonder if they still have that type of shed in da yookay nowadays keefie?

(I'm off on me own tangent here!)

Word Verification Code said...


Seabee said...

Keefie, they look suspiciously like the garbage skips cluttering up Dubai's streets!

(Word verification is scrosch - a german word perhaps?)

Keef said...

No, Seabee, they are actually quite handsome: I'll post some pics when the fair starts and they are open.

Anonymous said...

Ha! I thought only the Germans do that sort of thing! Next thing we know the Spaniards will all be swilling Glühwein!

(I found you via Authonomy by the way)